// A Texbook on POWER SYSTEM ENGINEERING // A.Chakrabarti, M.L.Soni, P.V.Gupta, U.S.Bhatnagar // DHANPAT RAI & Co. // SECOND EDITION // PART II : TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION // CHAPTER 13: WAVE PROPAGATION ON TRANSMISSION LINES // EXAMPLE : 13.4 : // Page number 366 clear ; clc ; close ; // Clear the work space and console // Given data R_1 = 60.0 // Surge impedance of underground cable(ohm) R_2 = 400.0 // Surge impedance of overhead line(ohm) e = 100.0 // Maximum value of surge(kV) // Calculations i = e*1000/R_1 // Current(A) k = (R_2-R_1)/(R_2+R_1) e_ref = k*e // Reflected voltage(kV) e_trans = e+e_ref // Transmitted voltage(kV) e_trans_alt = (1+k)*e // Transmitted voltage(kV). Alternative method i_ref = -k*i // Reflected current(A) i_trans = e_trans*1000/R_2 // Transmitted current(A) i_trans_alt = (1-k)*i // Transmitted current(A). Alternative method // Results disp("PART II - EXAMPLE : 13.4 : SOLUTION :-") printf("\nReflected voltage at the junction = %.f kV", e_ref) printf("\nTransmitted voltage at the junction = %.f kV", e_trans) printf("\nReflected current at the junction = %.f A", i_ref) printf("\nTransmitted current at the junction = %.f A\n", i_trans) printf("\nNOTE: ERROR: Calculation mistake in textbook in finding Reflected current")