// A Texbook on POWER SYSTEM ENGINEERING // A.Chakrabarti, M.L.Soni, P.V.Gupta, U.S.Bhatnagar // DHANPAT RAI & Co. // SECOND EDITION // PART II : TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION // CHAPTER 11: LOAD FREQUENCY CONTROL AND LOAD SHARING OF POWER GENERATING SOURCES // EXAMPLE : 11.8 : // Page number 335 clear ; clc ; close ; // Clear the work space and console // Given data V_tie = 11000.0 // Tie line Voltage(V) Z = (3.5+%i*7.0) // Impedance of tie line(ohm/conductor) V = 6600.0 // Bus bar voltage(V) Z_per = (2.5+%i*7.5) // Percentage impedance on 1000kVA rating kVA = 2500.0 // Load receieved by other(kVA) // Calculations V_ph = V/3**0.5 // Phase voltage(V) I_fl_LV = 100.0*V_tie/V_ph // LV side Full load current of each transformer(A) R_eq = V_ph*real(Z_per)/(100*I_fl_LV) // Equivalent resistance of transformer(ohm/phase) X_eq = 3.0*R_eq // Equivalent reactance of transformer(ohm/phase) R_phase = real(Z)*(V/V_tie)**2 // Resistance of line per phase(ohm) X_phase = imag(Z)*(V/V_tie)**2 // Resistance of line per phase(ohm) R_total = 2.0*R_eq+R_phase // Total resistance per phase(ohm) X_total = 2.0*X_eq+X_phase // Total resistance per phase(ohm) Z_total = R_total+%i*X_total // Total impedance(ohm/phase) I = kVA*1000/(3**0.5*V) // Load current(A) V_drop = I*Z_total // Voltage drop per phase(V) V_A = V_ph V_AA = V_A+V_drop // Sending end voltage per phase(V) V_increase = abs(V_AA)-V_A // Increase in voltage required(V/phase) percentage_increase = V_increase/V_A*100 // Percentage increase required(%) phase_diff = phasemag(V_AA) // Angle at which V_A & V_B are displaced(°) // Results disp("PART II - EXAMPLE : 11.8 : SOLUTION :-") printf("\nCase(a): Percentage increase in voltage = %.2f percent", percentage_increase) printf("\nCase(b): Phase angle difference between the two busbar voltages = %.2f° \n", phase_diff) printf("\nNOTE: ERROR: Several calculation mistakes in the textbook")