// A Texbook on POWER SYSTEM ENGINEERING // A.Chakrabarti, M.L.Soni, P.V.Gupta, U.S.Bhatnagar // DHANPAT RAI & Co. // SECOND EDITION // PART II : TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION // CHAPTER 10: POWER SYSTEM STABILITY // EXAMPLE : 10.22 : // Page number 306 clear ; clc ; close ; // Clear the work space and console // Given data f = 50.0 // Frequency(Hz) P = 4.0 // Number of poles G = 20.0 // Rating of turbo-generator(MVA) V = 13.2 // Voltage(kV) H = 9.0 // Inertia constant(kW-sec/kVA) P_s = 20.0 // Input power less rotational loss(MW) P_e = 15.0 // Output power(MW) n = 10.0 // Number of cycles // Calculations KE = G*H // Kinetic energy stored(MJ) M = G*H/(180*f) // Angular momentum(MJ-sec/elect.degree) P_a = P_s-P_e // Accelerating power(MW) alpha = P_a/M // Acceleration(elect.degree/sec^2) alpha_deg = alpha/2.0 // Acceleration(degree/sec^2) alpha_rpm = 60.0*alpha_deg/360 // Acceleration(rpm/sec) t = 1.0/f*n // Time(sec) delta = 1.0/2*alpha*t**2 // Change in torque angle(elect.degree) N_s = 120*f/P // Synchronous speed(rpm) speed = N_s+alpha_rpm*t // Speed at the end of 10 cycles(rpm) // Results disp("PART II - EXAMPLE : 10.22 : SOLUTION :-") printf("\nChange in torque angle in that period, δ = %.f elect degrees.", delta) printf("\nSpeed in rpm at the end of 10 cycles = %.2f rpm", speed)