// Exa D.1 // Using the shift register shown in Figure D.3, generate an m-sequence and demonstrate its properties. clc; clear all; //solution //Referring Fig D.3 x=[0 0 1]; //Initial stage output=x(3); disp(" First m-sequence using 3-stage shift register."); disp(" x1 x2 x3 output"); printf(' Initial %d %d %d %d \n ',x(1),x(2),x(3),output); for i= 1:7 printf('Shift %d',i); x(3)=x(2); if(x(3)==1) //TO get values in range of [-1 1] for plot dummy(i)=-1 else dummy(i)=1; end x(2)=x(1); if(output== 1& x(3)==1) //As new x(1)=prev stage x(3) ored prev stage x(2) x(1)=0; else if(output== 0& x(3)==0) x(1)=0; else x(1)=1; end end printf(' %d %d %d ',x(1),x(2),x(3)); output=x(3); printf(' %d',output); printf('\n '); end bar(dummy,0.2,'green'); xlabel("Time","FontSize",5); title("7-chip first m-sequence for one T period","FontSize",5); disp("The properties of m-sequence in Figure(0)are -"); disp("Number of -1s = 4 , Number of 1s = 3 "); disp("Run length 1 = 2 , Run length 2 = 1"); disp("Run length = 1");