//Exa 2.9 // To find total traffic in Erlangs and no of MScs required to handle it. clc; clear all; Tpopu=200000;//Total population SP=0.25; //subscriber penetration HT1=100; //holding time for Mobile to Land line and vicecersa c1=3; //Avg calls/hr for Mobile to Land line and vicecersa HT2=80; //For mobile to mobile c2=4; //For mobile to mobile TMSC=1800; //traffic one msc can hold TrafDist=0.9 //Traffic distribution for Mobile to Land line and vicecersa //solution aM_L=c1*HT1/3600; //Traffic Generated by Subscriber (M-L and L-M). aM_M=c2*HT2/3600; //Traffic Generated by Subscriber (M-M). WlessSub=SP*Tpopu; //total wireless subscribers TotalTraffic=WlessSub*TrafDist*aM_L+WlessSub*(1-TrafDist)*aM_M; MSCreqd=TotalTraffic/TMSC; if(MSCreqd-int(MSCreqd)>0)//for rounding of to next integer ef 2.33 to 3 MSCreqd=MSCreqd+1; end printf('Total Traffic is %.1f Erlangs \n',TotalTraffic); printf(' NO of MSCs Required are %d \n',int(MSCreqd));