//Example 7.14 //Analysis of state equations of Tape Drive. //compute the poles, zeros and transfer function of Tape Drive System. xdel(winsid())//close all graphics Windows clear; clc; //------------------------------------------------------------------ // State space matrices of Tape Drive System F=[0 2 0 0 0; -0.1 -0.35 0.1 0.1 0.75; 0 0 0 2 0; 0.4 0.4 -0.4 -1.4 0; 0 -0.03 0 0 -1]; G=[0 0 0 0 1]'; H2=[0 0 1 0 0]; H3=[0.5 0 0.5 0 0]; Ht=[-0.2 -0.2 0.2 0.2 0]; //------------------------------------------------------------------ //Poles (eigen values) of the system p=clean(spec(F)); disp(p,"P","Poles of Tape Drive System are (for any output)") disp("************************************************************") disp("pole and zero polynomials and transfer function... for a system with output H2") sys2=syslin('c',F,G,H2,0); [d2 num2 den2]=ss2tf(sys2); N2=coeff(num2); D2=coeff(den2); disp(D2,"D2",N2,"N2") // zeros of the system with output H2 [zer2]=trzeros(sys2) disp(zer2,"ZER2","zeros are") // transfer function of the system with output H2 G2=clean(num2/den2); disp(G2,"G2(s)=N2(s)/D2(s)=") disp("************************************************************") disp("pole and zero polynomials and transfer function for a... system with output H3") sys3=syslin('c',F,G,H3,0); [d3 num3 den3]=ss2tf(sys3); N3=coeff(num3); D3=coeff(den3); disp(D3,"D3",N3,"N3") // zeros of the system with output H3 [zer3]=trzeros(sys3) disp(zer3,"ZER3","zeros are") // transfer function of the system with output H3 G3=clean(num2/den2); disp(G3,"G3(s)=N3(s)/D3(s)=") disp("************************************************************") disp("pole and zero polynomials and transfer function for a... system with output Ht") syst=syslin('c',F,G,Ht,0); [dt numt dent]=ss2tf(syst); Nt=coeff(numt); Dt=coeff(dent); disp(Dt,"Dt",Nt,"Nt","zeros are") // zeros of the system with output Ht [zert]=trzeros(syst) disp(zert,"ZERT") // transfer function of the system with output Ht Gt=clean(numt/dent); disp(Gt,"G(s)=Nt(s)/Dt(s)=") disp("************************************************************") //------------------------------------------------------------------