//Example 6.8 // Nyquist plot for a second order system. xdel(winsid())//close all graphics Windows clear; clc; //------------------------------------------------------------------ //System transfer function and its root locus s=poly(0,'s'); g=1/(s+1)^2; sysG=syslin('c',g); evans(sysG); exec .\fig_settings.sci; //custom script for setting figure properties f=gca(); f.x_location = "origin" f.y_location = "origin" title(['Root locus of','$G(s)=1/(s+1)^2$','with respect to K'],... 'fontsize',3) zoom_rect([-3,-2,2,3]) h=legend(''); h.visible = "off" //------------------------------------------------------------------ figure(1) //The bode plot of the system fmin=0.01/2/%pi; //mininmum frq. in Hz for response (0.1 rad/sec) fmax=100/2/%pi; //maximum frq. in Hz for response (100 read/sec) //Bode plot for frequency in Hz (scilab ver. 5.4.1) //bode(g,fmin,fmax); //OR //Bode plot for frequency in rad/sec (scilab ver. 5.5.1) bode(sysG,fmin,fmax,0.01,"rad") title(['Open loop bode plot for', '$G(s)=1/(s+1)^2$'],'fontsize',3); exec .\fig_settings.sci; //custom script for setting figure properties //------------------------------------------------------------------ figure(2) //The nyquist plot of the system nyquist(sysG); title('Nyquist plot of the evaluation of K G(s) for s=C1 and K=1'... ,'fontsize',3); exec .\fig_settings.sci; //custom script for setting figure properties f=gca(); f.x_location = "origin" f.y_location = "origin" xset('color',2) //------------------------------------------------------------------