//Example 6.4 //Bode Plot with Complex Poles. xdel(winsid())//close all graphics Windows clear; clc; //------------------------------------------------------------------ //System transfer function and its bode plot K=10; s=poly(0,'s'); Gs=syslin('c',(K)/(s*(s^2+0.4*s+4))); //The bode plot of the system fmin=0.1/2/%pi; //mininmum frq. in Hz for response (0.1 rad/sec) fmax=10/2/%pi; //maximum frq. in Hz for response (100 read/sec) //------------------------------------------------------------------ //Bode plot for frequency in Hz (scilab ver. 5.4.1) //bode(g,fmin,fmax); //OR //Bode plot for frequency in rad/sec (scilab ver. 5.5.1) bode(Gs,fmin,fmax,0.01,"rad") //------------------------------------------------------------------ title(['Bode plot for a transfer function with complex poles';... '(a) magnitude... (b) phase'],'fontsize',3) //------------------------------------------------------------------