//Ex.13.4.3;maximum efficiency,no. of thermocouple in series,open ckt voltage,heat i/p and reject at full load. kA=0.02;//unit=watt/cm degree kelvin kB=0.03;//unit=watt/cm degree kelvin pA=0.01;//unit=ohm cm pB=0.012;//unit=ohm cm TH=1500;//unit=degree kelvin TC=1000;//unit=degree kelvin AA=43.5;//unit=cm^2 AB=48.6;//unit=cm^2 LA=0.49;//unit=cm LB=0.49;//unit=cm I=20*48.6;//Current density in the element limited to,I=20 amp/cm^2 output=100;//unit=kW //alpha_SAB at 1250 degree kelvin=0.0012 volt/degree kelvin=alpha_SA-alpha_SB alpha_SAB=0.0012;//unit=volt/degree kelvin //let b=(pA*kA); c=(pB*kB); A=sqrt(b); B=sqrt(c); C=(A+B); //figure of merit Z=(alpha_SAB/C)^2; printf(" Z=%f degree k^-1",Z); M=(1+((Z/2)*(TH+TC)))^0.5; printf("\n M=%f",M); //let aa=((TH-TC)/TH); bb=(M-1)/(M+(TC/TH)); //1] MAx. efficiency of a thermoelectric converter is given by n_max=((TH-TC)/TH)*[(M-1)/(M+(TC/TH))]*100; n_max=aa*bb*100; printf("\n Maximum efficiency n_max=%f persent",n_max); //2] No. of thermocouple in series V=alpha_SAB*(TH-TC); printf("\n V=%f volt",V); R=((pA*LA)/AA)+((pB*LB)/AB);//since R=RA+RB=((pA*LA)/AA)+((pB*LB)/AB); printf("\n R=%f ohm",R); VL=V-(R*I); printf("\n VL=%f volt",VL); //NTCS=total voltage required/voltage required by one couple NTCS=115/VL; printf("\n No. of thermocouple in series=%f",NTCS); //3] Open circuit voltage OCV=V*309; printf("\n Open circuit voltage=%f volt",OCV) //4] Heat input and reject at full load. //Heat input at full load.=output/efficency=100/0.091 HIFL=output/(n_max/100); printf("\n Heat input at full load=%f kW",HIFL) // Heat reject at full load. =Heat input-Work output HRFL=HIFL-output; printf("\n Heat reject at full load=%f kW",HRFL) //The value of "pB" is misprinted //The values are taken in the text book is approximately equal to calculated values