//fiber optic communications by joseph c. palais //example 9.2 //OS=Windows XP sp3 //Scilab version 5.4.1 clc clear all //given terminals_in=10//initial terminals terminals_ex=11//extended terminals S_ratio=9//splitting ratio ELT=1//excess losss tee coupler in dB connector_loss=1//connector loss in dB //to find P2byP1=10^-0.1*0.9//P2/P1 for spliting ratio 9:1 lthp=-10*log10(P2byP1)//through loss loss for a 9:1 coupler having 1dB of excess loss tee_adlos=lthp+2//loss of one directional coupler plus the loss of two connectors star_adlos1= -10*log10(1/terminals_in)//Loss for star network with 10 terminals in dB star_adlos2= -10*log10(1/terminals_ex)//Loss for star network with 11 terminals in dB d2=star_adlos2 - star_adlos1//Change in loss with change in no. of terminals from 10-11 mprintf('Throughput losses for a 9:1 coupler having 1dB of excess loss =%fdB',lthp) mprintf('\nAdded losses for star with 10 terminals =%fdB',star_adlos1) mprintf('\nAdded losses for star with 11 terminals =%fdB',star_adlos2) mprintf('\nDifference in star added losses=%fdB',d2)