//fiber optic communications by joseph c. palais //example 9.1 //OS=Windows XP sp3 //Scilab version 5.4.1 clc clear all //given LE=1//coupler has excess loss of 1dB P2byP1=(10^(-LE/10))/2//since P2/P1 is equal to P3/p1 since spliting ratio is 1:1 Ltap=-10*log10(P2byP1)//Taploss in dB Lthp=-10*log10(P2byP1)//throughput Loss in dB Ltap1=Ltap-LE//excess loss of 1 dB Lthp2=Lthp-LE//excess loss of 1dB mprintf('\nThe portion of the input power reaching output for splitting ratio 1:1 is =%f',P2byP1)