//fiber optic communications by joseph c. palais //example 11.10 //OS=Windows XP sp3 //Scilab version 5.4.1 clc clear all //given RINdB=-140//RIN in dB/Hz deltaf=100*10^6//bandwidth in Hz P=10*10^-6//Average incident power in Watts Row=0.5//Responsivity in uA/uW //to find RIN=10^(RINdB/10)//RIN in /Hz PNL=sqrt(RIN*P^2*deltaf)//Laser Noise power in Watt mprintf("Laser Noise power=%fuW",PNL*10^6)//multiplication by 10^6 to cinvert the unit from W to uW IN=Row*PNL// Noise current in A mprintf(" \nNoise current=%fuA",IN*10^6)//multiplication by 10^6 to cinvert the unit from A to uA