//Example 7_6_u1 clc(); clear; //To calculate the numerical aperture,acceptance angle,critical angle,velocity of the light in core and cladding n1=1.5 delta=1.8*10^-2 NA=n1*sqrt(2*delta) printf("Numerical apperture is NA=%.3f\n",NA) ia=asin(NA)*180/%pi //units in degrees printf("Angle of acceptance is ia=%.2f Degrees\n",ia) n2=0.982*n1 n2_n1=0.982 ic=asin(n2_n1)*180/%pi //units in degrees printf("Critical angle is ic=%.2f Degrees\n",ic) c=3*10^8 vc=c/n1 printf("Velocity of light in core is vc=") disp(vc) vcc=c/n2 printf("Velocity of light in cladding is vcc=") disp(vcc)