//Example 5_16_u1 clc(); clear; //To calculate the difference between the samples d=0.2552 //units in nm a=d*sqrt(2) //units in nm lamda=0.152 //units in nm theta=21 //units in degrees //For sample A d111=lamda/(2*sin(theta*%pi/180)) //units in nm h=1 k=1 l=1 a1=d111*sqrt(h^2+k^2+l^2) //units in nm printf("For sample A a=%.4f nm",a1) //For sample B theta=21.38 //units in degrees d111=lamda/(2*sin(theta*%pi/180)) //units in nm h=1 k=1 l=1 a2=d111*sqrt(h^2+k^2+l^2) //units in nm change=((a1-a2)/a2)*100 printf("\nFor sample B a=%.4f nm",a2) printf("\n Sample B is pure high purity copper as lattice parameter of A is %.2f percent greater than that of pure copper",change) //Given in text book change in lattice parameter is 1.75% greater but it is 1.73%