clear; clc; funcprot(0); //given data r = 1.5;//operating pressure ratio K1 = 1.44*10^-5; K2 = 2410; K3 = 4.59*10^-6; T01 = 400;//in K D2 = 72.5;//rotor inlet diamete in mm D3_av = 34.4;//rotor meaan outlet diameter in mm b = 20.1;//rotor outlet annulus width in mm zetaN = 0.065;//enthalpy loss coefficient alpha2 = 71;//in deg beta3_av = 53;//in deg Cp = 1005;//inJ/(kg.K) gamma = 1.4; //Calculations N = K2*sqrt(T01); U2 = %pi*N*D2/(60*1000) delW = U2^2; delh = Cp*T01*(1-(1/r)^((gamma-1)/gamma)); eff_ts = delW/(delh); delW_act = K3*K2*%pi*T01/(30*K1); eff_ov = delW_act/delh; zetaR = (2*((1/eff_ts)-1) - (zetaN/sin(alpha2*%pi/180)))*((D2/D3_av)^2)*(sin(beta3_av*%pi/180))^2 - (cos(beta3_av*%pi/180))^2; r3 = 0.5*(D3_av-b)*10^-3; w3_w2av_min = (D3_av/D2)*tan(alpha2*%pi/180)*((2*r3/D3_av)^2 + (1/tan(beta3_av*%pi/180))^2)^0.5; w3_w2av = (D3_av/D2)*tan(alpha2*%pi/180)*(1+((1/tan(beta3_av*%pi/180))^2))^0.5; //Results printf('The total-to-static efficiency = %.2f percentage.',eff_ts*100); printf('\n The overall efficiency = %.2f percentage.',eff_ov*100); printf('\n The rotor enthalpy loss coefficient = %.3f',zetaR); printf('\n The rotor relative velocity ratio = %.2f',w3_w2av); //there are small errors in the answers given in textbook