//Chapter 5, Exmaple 9, page 180 //Calculate corona onset voltage clc clear t = 5*5*8.66 // the three side of the trangle in m Deq = nthroot(t,3) dt = 1 //delta = 1 at standard temperature and pressure r = 1 //radius of the conductor En = 27.501 // kVpeak/cm E0 = 30*dt*(1 + 0.3*sqrt(dt*r)) V0peak = E0*log(Deq*10**2) V0 = En*log(Deq*10**2) printf("\n Mean geometric distance between the conductors %f m",Deq) printf("\n E0 = %f kVpeak/cm",E0) printf("\n V0peak = %f kVpeak",V0peak) printf("\n V0 = %f kV",V0) //Answers may vary due to round off error