//Chapter 19,Example 4,page 670 //Determine the vertical displacement of the drop clear clc d = 0.03*10^-3 // m p = 2000 // kg/m^3 q = 100*10^-15 // C V0 = 3500 // V d2 = 2*10^-3 // m L1 = 15*10^-3 // m L2 = 12*10^-3 // m Vz = 25 // m/s m = 4/3*%pi*(1/2*d)^3*p t0 = L1/Vz Vx0 = q*V0*t0/(m*d2) x0 = 1/2*Vx0*t0 t1 = (L1+L2)/Vz x1 = x0+Vx0*(t1-t0) printf("\n The vertical displacement of the drop = %e m",x1) // Answers may vary due to round off error