// chapter 4 // example 4.1 // Calculate the value of R and C // page-120-121 clear; clc; // given n_s=18; // number of thyristors connected is series E_D=500; // in V (maximum permissible blocking voltage) E_s=7500; // in V (string voltage) dI_b=1; // in mA (range of blocking current) dQ=30; // in uC (maximum permissible diffrenece between reverse recovery charge) // calculate R=(n_s*E_D-E_s)/((n_s-1)*dI_b); // calculation of R in k-ohm C=(n_s-1)*dQ/(n_s*E_D-E_s); // calculation of C in uC printf("\nThe value of R is \tR=%.2f k-ohm",R); printf("\nThe value of C is \tC=%.2f uF",C);