// chapter 11 // example 11.4 // Plot a curve of load power against firing delay angle and determine required thyristor rating // page-722 clear; clc; clf; // given R=10; // in ohm E1=100; // in V E2=70.7; // in V f=50; // in Hz (used by the author) // calculate w=2*%pi*f; alpha=[0:0.1:%pi]; P0=1000-(500*alpha-250*sin(2*alpha))/%pi; plot2d(alpha,P0,nax=[2,3,2,3],rect=[0,0,%pi,1000]); PRV_12=E1*sqrt(2); PRV_34=E2*sqrt(2); printf("\nTHe peak reverse voltage for thyristor T1 and T2 is \t PRV=%.f V",PRV_12); printf("\nTHe peak reverse voltage for thyristor T3 and T3 is \t PRV=%.f V",PRV_34); I_T_max_12=E1*sqrt(2)/R; I_T_max_34=E2*sqrt(2)/R; I_T_rms_12=I_T_max_12/2; I_T_rms_34=I_T_max_34/2; printf("\nTHe maximum current for thyristor T1 and T2 is \t I_T_12=%.1f A",I_T_max_12); printf("\nTHe maximum current for thyristor T3 and T3 is \t I_T_34=%.1f A",I_T_max_34); printf("\nTHe rms current for thyristor T1 and T2 is \t I_T_12=%.1f A",I_T_rms_12); printf("\nTHe rms current for thyristor T3 and T3 is \t I_T_34=%.1f A",I_T_rms_34);