// chapter 10 // example 10.4 // Determine the value of fundamental rms output voltage, rms output current and output power // page-700-701 clear; clc; // given n=3/1; // transformer turn ratio wL=3; // in ohm (inductive reactance) R_L=4; // in ohm (load resistance) alpha=160; // in degree (firing angle) E=410; // in V (input voltage per phase) f=50; // in Hz (supply frequency) m=6; // number of pulses // calculate Eph=E/2; // calculation of per phase voltage to convertor E_line=Eph*sqrt(3); // calculation of input to bridge invertor r=cosd(180-alpha); // calculation of voltage reduction factor Eor=r*E_line*(m/%pi)*sin(%pi/m); // calculation of fundamental rms output voltage, Ior_magnitude=Eor/sqrt(R_L^2+wL^2); // calculation of rms output current magnitude Ior_phase=-atand(wL/R_L); // calculation of rms output current phase P0=Ior_magnitude^2*R_L; // calculation of output power printf("\nThe fundamental rms output voltage is \t Eor=%.2f V",Eor); printf("\nThe rms output current is \t Ior=%.2f A \t and phase is \t %.2f degree",Ior_magnitude,Ior_phase); printf("\nThe output power is \t P0=%.2f W",P0); // Note: The answers vary slightly due to precise calculation.