clc // Given that x=0.2// Area fraction of the fibre in the composite Ef= 300 // Elastic modulus of the fibre in GPa Em= 100 // Elastic modulus of the matrix in GPa // Sample Problem on page no. 229 printf("\n # application of reinforced plastics # \n") Ec = x*Ef + (1-x)*Em printf("\n\n The Elastic Modulus of the composite is = %d GPa",Ec) //Let Pf/Pm be r r=x*Ef/((1-x)*Em) //Let Pc/Pf be R R=1+(1/r) // from the relation Pc = Pf + Pm P=(1*100)/R printf("\n\n The Fraction of load supported by Fibre is = %f Percent",P) // Answer in the book is approximated to 43 %