clc // Given that to=0.005//in inch depth of cut V=400//in ft/min cutting speed X=10//in degree rake angle w=0.25//in inch width of cut tc=0.009//in inch chip thickness Fc=125//in lb Cutting force Ft=50//in lb thrust force // Sample Problem on page no. 548 printf("\n # Relative Energies in cutting # \n") r=to/tc//cutting ratio R=sqrt((Ft^2)+(Fc^2)) B=acosd(Fc/R)+X//friction angle F=R*sind(B) P=((F*r)/Fc)*100 printf("\n\n Percentage of total energy going into overcoming friction =%d pecrent",P) //Answer in the book is approximated to 32 due to approximation in calculation of R and B