//page 294 //Example 8.17 //Equation given in example 14 is used. clc; clear; close; function [m] = transform(x,y,z) x1 = 3*x; x2 = 12*y; x3 = -z; m = [x1 x2 x3]; endfunction disp('Matrix of projection E in orthonormal basis is:'); t1 = transform(3,3,3); t2 = transform(12,12,12); t3 = transform(-1,-1,-1); A = [t1; t2; t3]; disp(A,'A = 1/154 * '); A1 = (conj(A))'; disp(A1,'A* = '); disp('Since, E = E* and A = A*, then A is also the matrix of E*'); a1 = [154 0 0]; a2 = [145 -36 3]; a3 = [-36 10 12]; disp(a1,'a1 = '); disp(a2,'a2 = '); disp(a3,'a3 = '); disp('{a1,a2,a3} is the basis.'); Ea1 = [9 36 -3]; Ea2 = [0 0 0]; Ea3 = [0 0 0]; disp(Ea1,'Ea1 = '); disp(Ea2,'Ea2 = '); disp(Ea3,'Ea3 = '); B = [-1 0 0;-1 0 0;0 0 0]; disp('Matrix B of E in the basis is:'); disp(B,'B = '); B1 = (conj(B))'; disp(B1,'B* = '); disp('Since, B is not equal to B*, B is not the matrix of E*'); //end