//page 121 //Example 4.3 clc; clear; close; disp('C is the field of complex numbers'); x = poly(0,"x"); f = x^2 + 2; disp(f,'f = '); //part a disp('if a = C and z belongs to C, then f(z) = z^2 + 2'); disp(horner(f,2),'f(2) = '); disp(horner(f,(1+%i)/(1-%i)),'f(1+%i/1-%i) = '); disp('----------------------------------------'); //part b disp('If a is the algebra of all 2*2 matrices over C and'); B = [1 0;-1 2]; disp(B,'B = '); disp(2*eye(2,2) + B^2,'then, f(B) = '); disp('----------------------------------------'); //part c disp('If a is algebra of all linear operators on C^3'); disp('And T is element of a as:'); disp('T(c1,c2,c3) = (i*2^1/2*c1,c2,i*2^1/2*c3)'); disp('Then, f(T)(c1,c2,c3) = (0,3*c2,0)'); disp('----------------------------------------'); //part d disp('If a is the algebra of all polynomials over C'); g = x^4 + 3*%i; disp(g,'And, g = '); disp(horner(f,g),'Then f(g) = '); //end