//page 70 //Example 3.6 clc; clear; close; a1 = [1 2]; a2 = [3 4]; disp(a1,'a1 = '); disp(a2,'a2 = '); disp('a1 and a2 are linearly independent and hence form a basis for R^2'); disp('According to theorem 1, there is a linear transformation from R^2 to R^3 with the transformation functions as:'); Ta1 = [3 2 1]; Ta2 = [6 5 4]; disp(Ta1,'Ta1 = '); disp(Ta2,'Ta2 = '); disp('Now, we find scalars c1 and c2 for that we know T(c1a1 + c2a2) = c1(Ta1) + c2(Ta2))'); disp('if(1,0) = c1(1,2) + c2(3,4), then '); c = inv([a1;a2]') * [1;0]; c1 = c(1,1); c2 = c(2,1); disp(c1,'c1 = '); disp(c2,'c2 = '); disp('The transformation function T(1,0) will be:'); T = c1*Ta1 + c2*Ta2; disp(T,'T(1,0) = '); //end