//page 93 //Example 3.17 clc; clear; close; t = poly(0,"t"); disp('g1 = f1'); disp('g2 = t*f1 + f2'); disp('g3 = t^2*f1 + 2*t*f2 + f3'); disp('g4 = t^3*f1 + 3*t^2*f2 + 3*t*f3 + f4'); P = [1 t t^2 t^3;0 1 2*t 3*t^2;0 0 1 3*t;0 0 0 1]; disp(P,'P = '); disp(inv(P),'inverse P = '); disp('Matrix of differentiation operator D in ordered basis B is:'); //As found in example 15 D = [0 1 0 0;0 0 2 0;0 0 0 3;0 0 0 0]; disp(D,'D = '); disp('Matrix of D in ordered basis B'' is:'); disp(inv(P)*D*P,'inverse(P) * D * P = '); //end