//page 38 //Example 2.10 clear; clc; close; A = [1 2 0 3 0;0 0 1 4 0;0 0 0 0 1]; disp(A,'A = '); disp('The subspace of F^5 spanned by a1 a2 a3(row vectors of A) is called row space of A.'); a1 = A(1,:); a2 = A(2,:); a3 = A(3,:); disp(a1,'a1 = '); disp(a2,'a2 = '); disp(a3,'a3 = '); disp('And, it is also the row space of B.'); B = [1 2 0 3 0;0 0 1 4 0;0 0 0 0 1;-4 -8 1 -8 0]; disp(B,'B = '); //end