clc a=0.15 //m b=0.2 //m c=0.25 //m E=200*10^9 //Pa delta=0.0001 //m 140 //MPa p=((E*delta)/8)*(((b^2-a^2)*(c^2-b^2))/(2*(b^2)*(c^2-a^2))) disp(p,"the contact pressure in Pa is= ") // textbook ans is wrong p=12.3*10^6 sigmatheta=p*((b^2+c^2)/(c^2-b^2)) // where r=0.2 disp(sigmatheta,"tangential stresses in the outer cylinder in Pa is= ") sigmatheta1=(2*p*b^2)/(c^2-b^2) // where r=0.25 disp(sigmatheta1,"tangential stresses in the outer cylinder in Pa is= ") sigmatheta3=-(2*p*b^2)/(b^2-a^2) // where r=0.15 disp(sigmatheta3,"tangential stresses in the inner cylinder in Pa is= ") sigmatheta4=-p*((b^2+a^2)/(b^2-a^2)) // where r=0.2 disp(sigmatheta4,"tangential stresses in the inner cylinder in Pa is= ")