//Page Number: 215 //Example 4.12 clc; //Given f=5D+9;//hz sig=5.813D+7; er=2.25; tandel=4D-4; c=3D+8; //m/s h01=3.832; u=4D-7*%pi; //Length of resonator lamr=c/(f*sqrt(er)); d=sqrt([{(((2*3.832)^2)+(%pi*%pi))*(lamr*lamr)}/(2*2*%pi*%pi)]); disp('cm',d*100,'Length of resonator:'); //Q of resonator n=(120*%pi)/sqrt(er); Rs=sqrt((f*u)/sig); a=d/2; Qw1=n*[[(h01/a)^2+(%pi/d)^2]^(3/2)]; Qw2=2*Rs*[((h01*h01)/(a*a*a))+((2*%pi*%pi)/(d*d*d))]; Qw=Qw1/Qw2; Qd=1/tandel; Q=(Qw*Qd)/(Qw+Qd); disp(Q,'Q of resonator:'); //Value of Qw is calculated wrong in the book, it should be 50057.91 instead of 53473.8 //Hence the value of Q also differs