// Example 7.6 clear all; clc; // Given data P0 = 500; // Reactor power in MW rho = -0.1; // 10% in reactivity (Insertion of control rods correspond to negative reactivity) // As the reactor is fueled with Uranium-235 bet = 0.0065; // Total delayed neutron fraction of all groups denoted by 'beta' P1 = (bet*(1-rho)*P0)/(bet-rho); // The drop in power level in terms of MW // Assuming that negative reactivity is greater than 4% T = 80; // Reactor period obtained from Figure 7.2 in seconds t = 600; // Analysis time in seconds // Calculation P = P1*exp(-t/T); // Power level drop in MW // Result printf(" \n The power level drop after 10 minutes = %5.4f MW \n",P);