clc // Given that I = 1e5 // Power intensity of laser beam in W/mm^2 t = 0.5 // Thickness of tungsten sheet in mm d = 200 // Drill diameter in micro meter P = 3e4 // Energy required per unit volume to vapourize tungsten in J/cm^3 p_e = 10 // Percentage efficiency T_m = 3400 // Melting temperture of tungsten in °C k = 2.15 // Thermal conductivity of tungsten in W/cm-°C // Sample Problem 17 on page no. 403 printf("\n # PROBLEM 6.17 # \n") H = (p_e/100)*(I)*(100) v = H/P T = t*(0.1)/(v) printf("\n The time required to drill a through hole = %f sec",T)