clc // Given that r = 150 // Radius of the circular disc of lead in mm Ti = 50 // Initial thickness of the disc in mm Tf = 25 // Reduced thickness of the disc in mm mu = 0.25// Cofficient of friction between the job and the dies K = 4 // Avg shear yield stress of the lead in N/mm^2 // Sample Problem 6 on page no. 122 printf("\n # PROBLEM 3.6 # \n") R = r*sqrt(2) rs = (R - ((Tf/(2*mu)) * log(1/(mu*sqrt(3))))) funcprot(0) function p1 = f(x), p1 = (((sqrt(3))*K)*exp((2*mu/Tf)*(R-x)))*x, endfunction I = intg(rs,R,f) funcprot(0) function p2 = f(y), p2 = ((2*K/Tf)*(R-y) + ((K/mu)*(1+log(mu*sqrt(3)))))*y, endfunction I_ = intg(0,rs,f) F = 2*%pi*(I+I_) printf("\n The maximum forging force = %e N",F)