// Initilization of variables d1=0.45 //m // diameter of larger pulley d2=0.20 //m // diameter of smaller pulley d=1.95 //m // separation between the pulley's T_max=1000 //N // or 1kN which is the maximum permissible tension mu=0.20 // coefficient of friction N=100 // r.p.m // speed of larger pulley e=2.718 // constant pie=3.14 // constant T_e=0 //N // as the data for calculating T_e is not given we assume T_e=0 // Calculations r1=d1/2 //m // radius of larger pulley r2=d2/2 //m // radius of smaller pulley theta=asind((r1+r2)/d) // degree // for cross drive the angle of lap for both the pulleys is same beta=((180+(2*(theta)))*pie)/180 //radian T1=T_max-T_e //N T2=T1/(e^(mu*(beta))) //N // from formulae, T1/T2=e^(mu*beta) v=((2*pie)*N*r1)/60 // m/s // where v=velocity of belt which is given as, v=wr=2*pie*N*r/60 P=(T1-T2)*v*(10^-3) //kW // Power // Results clc printf('The power transmitted by the cross belt drive is %f kW \n',P) // the approx answer is 1.3 kW The answer given in the book (i.e 1.81kW) is wrong.