//pathname=get_absolute_file_path('9.13.sce') //filename=pathname+filesep()+'9.13-data.sci' //exec(filename) //Maximum temperature(in K): T2=700 //Minimum temperature(in K): T1=300 //Compression ratio: r=3 //Total heat added(in kJ/s): qa=30 //Regenerator efficiency: E=0.90 //Pressure at the beginning of compression(in bar): p=1 //Number of cycles: n=100 //Value of Cv: Cv=0.72 //Gas constant(in kJ/kg.K): R=29.27 //Work done per kg of air(in kJ/kg): W=R*(T2-T1)*log(r) //Heat added per kg of air(in kJ/kg): q=R*T2*log(r)+(1-E)*Cv*(T2-T1) //Mass of air for 30 kJ/s of heat supplied(in kg/s): m=qa/q //Mass of air per cycle(in kg/cycle): mc=m/n //Brake output(in kW): BP=W*m //Stroke volume(in m^3): V=mc*R*T1/(p*10^2) printf("\nRESULT") printf("\nBrake output = %f kW",BP) printf("\nStroke volume = %f m^3",V)