//pathname=get_absolute_file_path('9.03.sce') //filename=pathname+filesep()+'9.03-data.sci' //exec(filename) //Total heat added(in kJ/kg): Q=1700 //Maximum pressure(in kPa): p3=5000 //Temperature at the beginning of compression(in K): T1=100+273.15 //Pressureat beginning of compression(in kPa): p1=103 //Value of Cp(in kJ/kg.K): Cp=1.005 //Value of Cv(in kJ/kg.K): Cv=0.71 //For Otto cycle: //Adiabatic index of compression: n=1.4 //Gas constant(in kJ/kg.K): R=Cp-Cv //Considernig 1 kg of air, volume at 1(in m^3): m=1 V1=m*R*T1/p1 //By solving, volume at 2(in m^3): V2=0.18 //Compression ratio: r=V1/V2 //Otto cycle efficiency: no=1-1/(r^(n-1)) //For mixed cycle: //By calculating, volume at state 2': V21=0.122 //Upon subtituting: p21 = 2124.75 //kPa T31 = 2082 //K T21 = 884.8 //K T41 = 2929.5 //K V31=V21 //Volume at state 4(in m^3): V41=V31*T41/T31 //Temperature at state 5(in K): T5=T41*(V41/V1)^(n-1) //Heat rejected in the process 5-1(in kJ): Q51=Cv*(T5-T1) //Efficiency of mixed cycle: nm=(Q-Q51)/Q printf("\nRESULT") printf("\nEfficiency of Otto cycle = %f percent",no*100) printf("\nEfficiency of mixed cycle = %f percent",nm*100)