//pathname=get_absolute_file_path('13.01.sce') //filename=pathname+filesep()+'13.01-data.sci' //exec(filename) //Pressure of dry steam(in bar): p1=10 //Velocity of steam entering(in m/s): C1=100 //Velocity of steam leaving the nozzle(in m/s): C2=300 //Pressure of steam at exit(in bar): p2=5 //Mass flow rate(in kg/s): m=16 //Heat loss to surroundings(in kJ/kg): q=10 //From steam tables: h1=2778.1 //kJ/kg hf=640.23 //kJ/kg hfg=2108.5 //kJ/kg //Heat drop in the nozzle(in kJ/kg): dh=(q*10^3+(C1^2-C2^2)/2)/1000 //Total heat drop(in kJ/s): dQ=-dh*m //Enthalpy at state 2(in kJ/kg): h2=h1+dh //Dryness fraction at state 2: x2=(h2-hf)/hfg printf("\nRESULT\n") printf("\nHeat drop in the nozzle = %f kJ/kg",-dh) printf("\nTotal heat drop = %f kJ/s",dQ) printf("\nDryness fraction at exit = %f",x2)