//pathname=get_absolute_file_path('12.13.sce') //filename=pathname+filesep()+'12.13-data.sci' //exec(filename) //Diameter of HP, LP and IP cylinder(in m): dhp=0.25 dip=0.40 dlp=0.85 //MEPs of the cylinders(in kPa): mephp=0.5*10^3 mepip=0.3*10^3 meplp=0.1*10^3 //Pressure at which steam is supplied(in kPa): p1=1.5*10^3 //Pressure at exhaust(in kPa): p4=25 //Cut-off occurs at: r1=0.60 //Area of HP cylinder(in m^2): AHP=%pi*dhp^2/4 //Area of IP cylinder(in m^2): AIP=%pi*dip^2/4 //Area of LP cylinder(in m^2): ALP=%pi*dlp^2/4 //Mep of HP referred to LP cylinder(in kPa): mep1=mephp*AHP/ALP //Mep of IP referred to LP cylinder(in kPa): mep2=mepip*AIP/ALP //Overall mep referred to LP cylinder(in kPa): mept=mep1+mep2+meplp //Overall expansion ratio: r=ALP/(r1*AHP) //Hypothetical mep(in kPa): mep=p1/r*(1+log(r))-p4 //Overall diagram factor: d1=mept/mep //% of HP cylinder output: P1=mep1/mept*100 //% of HP cylinder output: P2=mep2/mept*100 //% of HP cylinder output: P3=meplp/mept*100 printf("\nRESULT\n") printf("\nActual mep referred to LP = %f kPa",mept) printf("\nHypothetical mep referred to LP = %f kPa",mep) printf("\nOverall diagram factor = %f",d1) printf("\nPercentage of HP, IP and LP cylinder outputs = %f, %f and %f percent",P1,P2,P3)