//pathname=get_absolute_file_path('12.10.sce') //filename=pathname+filesep()+'12.10-data.sci' //exec(filename) //Pressure at which steam is supplied(in kPa): p1=1.5*10^3 //Dryness fraction: x1=0.9 //Pressure at exhaust(in kPa): p4=40 //Diagram factor reffered to LP cylinder: d1LP=0.8 //Stroke length(in m): L=0.38 //Bore of HP cylinder(in m): dHP=0.20 //Bore of LP cylinder(in m): dLP=0.30 //Rpm of engine: N=240 //Area of HP cylinder(in m^2): AHP=%pi*(dHP^2)/4 //Area of LP cylinder(in m^2): ALP=%pi*(dLP^2)/4 //Intermediate pressure(in kPa): p2=192 //Volume at state 2(in m^3): V2=AHP*L //Volume at state 1(in m^3): V1=V2*p2/p1 //Volume of LP cylinder(in m^3): VLP=ALP*L //Expansion ratio throughout the engine: r=VLP/V1 //Mean effective pressure(in kPa): mep=p1/r*(1+log(r))-p4 //Actual mep(in kPa): mepa=mep*d1LP //Indicated power(in kW): IP=mepa*L*ALP*N/60*2 //Volume of steam admitted per hour(in m^3): Vs=V1*N*2*60 //Specific volume of steam being admitted(in m^3/kg): v1=0.1187 //Steam consumption(in kg/hr): m=Vs/v1 printf("\n RESULT \n") printf("\nIndicated power = %f kW",IP) printf("\nSteam consumption = %f kg/hr",m)