//pathname=get_absolute_file_path('12.06.sce') //filename=pathname+filesep()+'12.06-data.sci' //exec(filename) //Pressure at which steam is aupplied(in bar): p1=10 //Dryness fraction: x=0.9 //Pressure at exhaust(in bar): p3=1 //Occurence of cut-off: r1=0.6 //From steam tables: h1=2576.58 //kJ/kg v1=0.1751 //m^3/kg hf=417.46 //kJ/kg //Heat added per kg of steam(in kJ/kg): Q=h1-hf //Specific volume at state 2(inm^3/kg): v2=v1/r1 //Expansion ratio: r=1/r1 //Net expansive work per kg of steam(in kJ/kg): Wne=v1*(p1-p3)*10^2 //Expansive work per kg of steam(in kJ/kg): We=p1*v1*10^2*log(r)-p3*10^2*(v2-v1) //Total work per kg of steam(in kJ/kg): Wt=Wne+We //Fraction of work obtained by expansive working: r2=We/Wt*100 //Thermal efficiency of cycle: n=Wt/Q*100 printf("\n RESULT \n") printf("\nFraction of expansive work = %f percent of total output",r2) printf("\nThermal efficiency = %f percent",n) //Steam admitted per cycle when cut-off becomes unity(in kg): m=1/r1 //Total work per cycle(in kJ): W=(p1-p3)*v1*m*10^2 //% increase in work: dw=(W-Wt)/Wt*100 //Modified thermal efficiency: n1=W/(m*Q)*100 //% decrease in efficiency: dn=(n-n1)/n*100 printf("\nPercentage increase in work = %f percent",dw) printf("\nPercentage decrease in efficiency = %f percent",dn)