//pathname=get_absolute_file_path('11.04.sce') //filename=pathname+filesep()+'11.04-data.sci' //exec(filename) //Height of chimney(in m): H=60 //Ambient air temperature(in K): Ta=17+273 //Temperature of burnt gases(in K): Tg=300+273 //Temperature of the artificial burnt gases(in K): Tga=150+273 //Mass per kg of fuel required for complete combustion(in kg): m=19 //Specific heat of hot gases(in kJ/kg.K): Cpg=1.0032 //Calorific value of burnt fuel(in kJ/kg): c=32604 //Draught (in mm of water column): hw=353*H*(1/Ta-(m+1)/(m*Tg)) //Chimney efficiency: n=9.81*H*(m/(m+1)*Tg/Ta-1)/(Cpg*(Tg-Tga)*10^3)*100 //Extra heat carried away by flue gases(in kJ): Q=(m+1)*Cpg*(Tg-Tga) printf("\n RESULT \n") printf("\nDraught = %f mm of water",hw) printf("\nChimney efficiency = %f percent",n) printf("\nExtra heat carried away by flue gases per kg of fuel burnt = %f kJ",Q)