//Ex6_5 : //Use of Psedocolor for highlighting Exposives Contained in Luggage. // Version : Scilab 5.4.1 // Operating System : Window-xp, Window-7 //Toolbox: Image Processing Design 8.3.1-1 //Toolbox: SIVP //Reference book name : Digital Image Processing //book author: Rafael C. Gonzalez and Richard E. Woods clc; close; clear; xdel(winsid())//to close all currently open figure(s). theta=0:450 RED=abs(255*sind(theta)); GREEN=abs(255*sind(theta-40)); BLUE=abs(255*sind(theta-80)); figure; subplot(311),plot(theta,RED); title('RED Intensity Transformation'); subplot(312),plot(theta,GREEN); title('GREEN Intensity Transformation'); subplot(313),plot(theta,BLUE); title('BLUE Intensity Transformation'); gray=rgb2gray(imread("Ex6_5.png")); //gray=imresize(gray,0.25); [nr nc]=size(gray); figure,ShowImage(gray,'Gray Image'); title('Original Image'); //min_image=min(gray); // Find Minimum Intensity value //max_image=max(gray); // Find Maximum Intensity value // //color_RED=[0 255 0 0 0 255 255 255]; // RED Component Value of the Pseudo Color //color_GREEN=[0 0 0 255 255 255 0 255]; // GREEN Component Value of the Pseudo Color //color_BLUE=[0 255 255 255 0 0 0 255]; // BLUE Component Value of the Pseudo Color //k=8; Slice_Image=[]; //for y=1:k // Decide Total No. of Level for i=1:nr for j=1:nc Slice_Image(i,j,1)=RED(gray(i,j)); Slice_Image(i,j,2)=GREEN(gray(i,j)); Slice_Image(i,j,3)=BLUE(gray(i,j)); end end //end imshow(Slice_Image);//,'Intensity Slicing'); //title('Image After Intensity Slicing');