//Ex5_5 // Illustration of Adaptive Median Filter // Version : Scilab 5.4.1 // Operating System : Window-xp, Window-7 //Toolbox: Image Processing Design 8.3.1-1 //Toolbox: SIVP //Reference book name : Digital Image Processing //book author: Rafael C. Gonzalez and Richard E. Woods clc; clear; close; xdel(winsid()); A=imread("Ex5_5.tif"); A=imresize(A,[256 256]); A=imnoise(A,'salt & pepper',0.25); // Add Sali & Pepper Noise figure,ShowImage(A,'Salt & pepper Image'); title('Image with Salt & pepper noise (Density = 0.25)','color','blue','fontsize',4); figure,ShowImage(MedianFilter(A,[7 7]),'Median filter with mask 7x7'); title('Restored Image using Median filter with 7*7 Mask','color','blue','fontsize',4); ///////////////// Adaptive Median Filter ///////////////////////// [r c]=size(A); n=7 // Maximum Window size a=(n-1)/2; C=zeros(r-2*a,c-2*a); for i=a+1:(r-a) for j=a+1:(c-a) for b=3:2:7 d=(b-1)/2 x=A(i,j); p=imcrop(A,[i-d j-d b b]) // Crop the Sub Image form Original Iamge med=median(p); // To Find Median Value maxx=max(p); // To Find Max Value minn=min(p); // To Find Min Value if (med>minn & medminn & x