//Ex5_1 // Noisy Images and their Histogram //To plot the PDF of different Noise Distribution and add the same to the gray scale image. //(I)Gaussian (II)Uniform (III)Salt & Pepper (IV)Log Normal (V)Rayleigh (VI)Erlang (VII)Exponetial // Version : Scilab 5.4.1 // Operating System : Window-xp, Window-7 //Toolbox: Image Processing Design 8.3.1-1 //Toolbox: SIVP //Reference book name : Digital Image Processing //book author: Rafael C. Gonzalez and Richard E. Woods clc; close; clear; xdel(winsid())//to close all currently open figure(s). function R=imnoise2(type,M,N,a,b) if argn(2)==3 then a=0; b=1; end select type case'gaussian'then rand("normal") R=a+b*rand(M,N); case'uniform'then R=a+(b-a)*rand(M,N,"uniform"); case'salt & pepper'then if argn(2)==3 a = 0.15; b = 0.15; end if (a+b) > 1 error('The sum Pa + Pb must not exceed 1.'); end R(1:M,1:N) = 0.5; X = rand(M,N); [r c] = find(X<=a); for i=1:length(r) R(r(i),c(i)) = 0; end u = a + b; [r c] = find(X>a & X<=u); for i=1:length(r) R(r(i),c(i)) = 255; end case'lognormal'then if argn(2)==3 a = 1; b = 0.25; end R = a*exp(b*mtlb_randn(M,N)); case'rayleigh'then if argn(2)==3 a = 1; b = 0.25; end R = a + ((-b)*(log(1-rand(M,N,"uniform")))).^0.5; case'exponential'then if argn(2)==3 a = 1; end if a<=0 error('Parameter a must be positive for exponential type.'); end k = -1/a; R = k*log(1-rand(M,N,"uniform")); case'erlang'then if (b ~= round(b) | b <= 0) error('Param b must be positive for integer for Erlang.') end k = -1/a; R = zeros(M,N); for j=1:b R = R + k*log(1-rand(M,N,"uniform")); end else disp('Unknownfiltertype.') end endfunction /////////////////////////////////////// Main Programm ///////////////////////////// gray=imread("Ex5_1.tif"); //gray=rgb2gray(a); //gray=im2double(gray); figure,ShowImage(gray,'Gray Image'); title('Original Image'); [M,N]=size(gray); [count,cell]=imhist(gray); figure,bar(cell,count,0.2); mtlb_axis([0 255 0 35000]); title('Histogram of Original Image'); /////////////////////////////////////// Gaussian Noise //////////////////// r1=imnoise2('gaussian',M,N,15,5); // Generate Gaussian Noise with Given Mean and Variance gray_noise_gaussian=gray+(r1); figure,ShowImage(gray_noise_gaussian,'Gray Image with Noise'); title('Gray Image with Noise gaussian'); [count,cell]=imhist(gray_noise_gaussian); figure;bar(cell,count,1.2); mtlb_axis([0 255 0 3000]); title('Gaussian'); /////////////////////////////////////// Rayleigh Noise //////////////////// r2=imnoise2('rayleigh',M,N,0,55); // Generate rayleigh Noise gray_noise_rayleigh=gray+(r2); figure,ShowImage(gray_noise_rayleigh,'Gray Image with Noise'); title('Gray Image with Noise rayleigh'); [count,cell]=imhist(gray_noise_rayleigh); figure;bar(cell,count,1.2); mtlb_axis([0 255 0 4000]); title('Rayleigh'); /////////////////////////////////////// Erlang (Gamma) Noise //////////////////// r3=imnoise2('erlang',M,N,2,15); // Generate erlang Noise gray_noise_erlang=gray+(r3); figure,ShowImage(gray_noise_erlang,'Gray Image with Noise'); title('Gray Image with Noise erlang(Gamma)'); [count,cell]=imhist(gray_noise_erlang); figure;bar(cell,count,1.2); mtlb_axis([0 255 0 9500]); title('Erlang (Gamma)'); /////////////////////////////////////// Exponential Noise //////////////////// r4=imnoise2('exponential',M,N,0.15); //Generate exponential Noise gray_noise_exponential=gray+(r4); figure,ShowImage(gray_noise_exponential,'Gray Image with Noise'); title('Gray Image with Noise exponential'); [count,cell]=imhist(gray_noise_exponential); figure;bar(cell,count,1.2); mtlb_axis([0 255 0 4500]); title('Exponential'); /////////////////////////////////////// Uniform Noise //////////////////// r5=imnoise2('uniform',M,N,0,20); // Generate uniform Noise gray_noise_uniform=gray+(r5); figure,ShowImage(gray_noise_uniform,'Gray Image with Noise'); title('Gray Image with Noise uniform'); [count,cell]=imhist(gray_noise_uniform); figure;bar(cell,count,1.2); mtlb_axis([0 255 0 2000]); title('Uniform'); /////////////////////////////////////// Salt & pepper Noise //////////////////// r6=imnoise2('salt & pepper',M,N,0.15,0.15); // Generate salt & pepper Noise gray_noise_salt_pepper=gray+(r6); figure,ShowImage(gray_noise_salt_pepper,'Gray Image with Noise'); title('Gray Image with Noise salt&pepper'); [count,cell]=imhist(gray_noise_salt_pepper); figure;bar(cell,count,1.2); mtlb_axis([0 255 0 35000]); title('Salt & pepper'); ///////////////////////////////////////// lognormal Noise //////////////////// //r7=imnoise2('lognormal',M,N,5,0.65); // Generate lognormal Noise //gray_noise_lognormal=gray+(r7); //figure,ShowImage(gray_noise_lognormal,'Gray Image with Noise'); //title('Gray Image with Noise lognormal'); //[count,cell]=imhist(gray_noise_lognormal); //figure;bar(cell,count,1.2); //mtlb_axis([0 255 0 5500]); //title('lognormal');