//Ex4_4 // The Mechanics of Computing the DFT //Version : Scilab 5.4.1 // Operating System : Window-xp, Window-7 //Toolbox: Image Processing Design 8.3.1-1 //Toolbox: SIVP //Reference book name : Digital Image Processing //book author: Rafael C. Gonzalez and Richard E. Woods clc; close; clear; xdel(winsid())//to close all currently open figure(s). a=[1 2 4 4]; //b=fft2(a); disp('Original Signal:') disp(a); M=length(a); for i=1:M b(i)=0; for j=1:M b(i)=b(i)+(a(j)*exp((-%i*2*%pi*(i-1)*(j-1)/M))); end end disp('DFT of Signal:') disp(b); for i=1:M d(i)=0; for j=1:M d(i)=d(i)+((b(j)*exp((%i*2*%pi*(i-1)*(j-1)/M)))/M); end end disp('IDFT:') disp(abs(d));