//Ex10_22 // Document Thresholding Using Moving Averages // Version : Scilab 5.4.1 // Operating System : Window-xp, Window-7 //Toolbox: Image Processing Design 8.3.1-1 //Toolbox: SIVP //Reference book name : Digital Image Processing //book author: Rafael C. Gonzalez and Richard E. Woods clc; close; clear; xdel(winsid())//to close all currently open figure(s). a=imread("Ex10_22.tif"); a1=im2double(a); figure,ShowImage(a1,'Gray Image'); title('Original Image','color','blue','fontsize',4); [M,N]=size(a); Threshold = CalculateOtsuThreshold(a1); Thresh_Image=im2bw(a1,Threshold); figure,ShowImage(Thresh_Image,'Binary Image'); title('Thresholded Image with Otsu Method','color','blue','fontsize',4); mask=zeros(1,20); array=[]; for i=1:M if(pmodulo(i,2)==0) array=[array mtlb_fliplr(a1(i,:))]; else array=[array a1(i,:)]; end end disp('first'); for i=1:length(array) for j=1:length(mask) if(ja1(i,j)) then c(i,j)=0; else c(i,j)=1; end end end figure,ShowImage(c,'Binary Image'); title('Local Thresholding Using Moving Average','color','blue','fontsize',4);