//developed in windows XP operating system //platform Scilab 5.4.1 clc;clear all; //example 8.5 //calculation of the transmitted,reflected voltage and current waves //given data L1=0.189*10^-3//inductance(in H/km) of the cable C1=0.3*10^-6//capacitance(in Farad/km) of the cable L2=1.26*10^-3//inductance(in H/km) of the overhead line C2=0.009*10^-6//capacitance(in Farad/km) of the overhead line e=200*10^3//surge volatge(in kV) //calculation Z1=sqrt(L1/C1)//surge impedance of the cable Z2=sqrt(L2/C2)//surge impedance of the line tau=(Z2-Z1)/(Z2+Z1)//when wave travels along the cable edash=tau*e//reflected wave edashdash=(1+tau)*e//transmitted wave Idash=edash/Z1//reflected current wave Idashdash=edashdash/Z2//transmitted current wave Z2n=Z1 Z1n=Z2 taun=(Z2n-Z1n)/(Z2n+Z1n)//when wave travels along the line edashn=taun*e//reflected wave edashdashn=(1+taun)*e//transmitted wave Idashdashn=edashdashn/Z2n//transmitted current wave Idashn=edashn/Z1n//reflected current wave printf('When wave travels along the cable,the transmitted voltage is %3.2f kV',edashdash*10^-3) printf('\nWhen wave travels along the cable,the reflected voltage is %3.2f kV',edash*10^-3) printf('\nWhen wave travels along the cable,the transmitted current is %3.3f kA',Idashdash*10^-3) printf('\nWhen wave travels along the cable,the reflected current is %3.2f kA',Idash*10^-3) printf('\nWhen wave travels along the line,the transmitted voltage is %3.2f kV',edashdashn*10^-3) printf('\nWhen wave travels along the line,the reflected voltage is %3.2f kV',edashn*10^-3) printf('\nWhen wave travels along the line,the transmitted current is %3.3f kA',Idashdashn*10^-3) printf('\nWhen wave travels along the line,the reflected current is %3.3f kA or %d A',abs(Idashn*10^-3),abs(Idashn))