//developed in windows XP operating system //platform Scilab 5.4.1 clc;clear all; //example 6.10 //calculation of resistance and inductance //given data CR=70.6//value from table LC=11.6//value from table C=1//capacitance(in microfarad) pern=98.8//percentage voltage efficiency V=10//rating(in kV) LC2=65//value from table alpha=0.0535//value from table //calculation R=CR/C L=LC/C Vo=pern*V/100 L2=LC2/C R2=2*L2*alpha Ip=V*C/14 printf('The value of resistance for 1/50 microsecond voltage is %3.1f ohm',R) printf('\nThe value of inductance for 1/50 microsecond voltage is %3.1f microhenry',L) printf('\nThe value of output voltage is %3.2f kV',Vo) printf('\nThe value of inductance for 8/20 microsecond voltage is %d microhenry',L2) printf('\nThe value of resistance for 8/20 microsecond voltage is %3.3f ohm',R2) printf('\nThe peak value of current is %d A',Ip*10^3)