//developed in windows XP operating system //platform Scilab 5.4.1 clc;clear; //example 3.4 //calculation of the load voltage and the load current //given data Vs=36//source voltage(in V) R1=6*10^3//value of resistance(in ohm) of resistor1 R2=3*10^3//value of resistance(in ohm) of resistor2 R3=1*10^3//value of resistance(in ohm) of resistor3 //calculation Rth=(R1*R2)/(R1+R2) Vth=(Vs/(R1+R2))*R2 //from the equation of ohm's law.....I=V/R Il=Vth/(Rth+R3) Vl=Il*R3 printf('the load voltage is %d V',Vl) printf('\nthe load current is %d mA',Il*10^3)