clc; //page 534 //problem 10.7 //Given reference frequency for PLL is fref = 0.48 MHz fref = 0.48 * 10^6; //Frequency divider N = 2000 N = 2000; //Output Frequency fout fout = fref*N; //Output Frequency favg favg = (2000*15 + 2001*1)*(0.48/16) * 10^6; disp('Output frequency is '+string(fout)+' Hz'); //Reference frequency is not subdivided before going to comparator and it is an integer divider in the feedback path the frequency resolution fres = 0.48 * 10^6; fres = 0.48 * 10^6; disp('Frequency resolution is '+string(fres)+' Hz'); disp('Output frequency resolution is '+string(favg - fout)+' Hz');