clear; clc; m = 100; disp("The inlet specific volume is calculated from the ideal gas equation") R=53.3 T1=580 p1=65 nu1=(R*T1)/(144*p1) printf(" nu1=%0.3f ft^3/lbm=",nu1) disp("Q1=m*v1=4594 cfm") R=53.3 T1=580 //let y=(n/(n-1)) y=2.625 p2=250 p1=65 H_oa=R*T1*(y)*[(p2/p1)^(1/y)-1] printf(" The overall adiabetic head is calculated as H_o/a= %0.0f ft-lbf/lbm",H_oa) y=(0.75*1.4)/(1.4-1) printf("\n Where n/(n-1)=(Eta_p*k)/(k-1)=%0.3f",y) disp("From figure 6.7 , a centrifugal compressor with speed N=10000rpm is appropriate for the present application") disp("To use figure 6.7,the specific speed can be calculated from Ns=N*(V1^0.5)/(H_ad^0.75)") V1=4954/60 printf(" Where V1= %0.1f cfs",V1) disp("H_ad=(H_o/a)/Eta_s is the head for each stage .") disp("Selecting the number of stages to be 2,4, and 6,the head for each stage and specific speed can be calculated,then the total-to=total adiabetic efficiencies can be read ") disp("The required shaft horse power can be calculated with the volumetric and mechanical efficiencies assumed to be 0.98 and 0.95 respectively") disp("That is Ps=(m*(H_o/a)/(33000*Eta_ad*Eta_v*Eta_m)") H_oa=54417 V1=82.6 Eta_v=0.98 Eta_m=0.95 N=10000 StageNo=[2 4 6]; Eta_ad=[0.72 0.83 0.87]; H_ad= zeros(1,length(StageNo)); Ns = zeros(1,length(StageNo)); Ps = zeros(1,length(StageNo)); for i = 1: length(StageNo) H_ad(i) =H_oa/(StageNo(i)); Ns(i) =N*(V1^0.5)/(H_ad(i)^0.75); Ps(i) = (m*H_oa)/(33000*Eta_ad(i)*Eta_v*Eta_m); end disp("StageNo H_ad Ns Eta_ad Ps") disp(" (ft-lbf/lbm) (hp)") table = [StageNo' H_ad' Ns' Eta_ad' Ps']; disp(table)